The long-term benefits of therapy, if you’re the right kind of person, can be considerable. But the process can also be tremendously draining. You might get home from a session feeling completely exhausted – because thinking and talking about weighty issues is often a workout for the mind and body!
As such, those undergoing therapy might want to think not just about the sessions themselves, but the downtime in between them. This is when you’ll have the chance to reflect on what’s been said, and to grow.
But exactly how can you unwind after an intense therapy session? Let’s consider some of the options.
Mental Relaxation Techniques
Being able to stay calm is often critical, post-therapy. How you do this will depend on the kinds of relaxation techniques you’re familiar with. Mindfulness meditation is a popular practice, and it’s more accessible than ever, thanks to a range of popular apps. Deep breathing exercises, guided imagery, and simply sitting and doing very little can be helpful.

Creating a Soothing Environment
Often, if your environment isn’t set up for relaxation, you’ll struggle to relax – no matter how committed you are to the effort. Use soft lighting and ambient music to create a sense of peace. A long soak in the bath can work wonders, too. The foods and drinks you enjoy matter, too. Consider making a warm cup of black tea to sip while you unwind!
Physical Activities to Decompress
For many of us, the best way to achieve the benefits of a meditation session is to go for a run. When you’re focused on the sensations of your body, and the effort of putting one foot in front of the other, you’ll give your mind the space it needs to think things over.
Of course, the form of exercise you choose will depend on your personal preference. Pick something that you enjoy, and that you’re likely to stick with. Yoga, hiking, or lifting weights can all be beneficial.
In most cases, consistently building the habit of exercise can help to solve many of the problems addressed by therapy. The two are complementary interventions when it comes to mental health. Therapy will allow you to think more clearly about the problems in your life and how to solve them, while exercise will change the content of your mind on a more physiological level, by releasing endorphins and other feel-good chemicals.
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