For many of us, Christmas is one of the most expensive times of year. Most people budget for the presents they need to buy (unless you’ve left your shopping until Christmas Eve…oops) but then forget about the cost of all the food.
After all of that shopping, you often then find that you’re left with far too much food, a lot of which goes to waste. So here are my tips for some recipes that won’t empty your bank accounts, but which should still feed all of the hungry mouths on Christmas Day.
Traditional Doesn’t Have To Mean Turkey
Many of us try and eat healthily and cheaply all year round but then splurge at Christmas. The festive period doesn’t mean you have to cook turkey just because everyone else is. How about a lasagne or a shepherd’s pie? Check out these cheap recipe ideas.
Homemade Food Gifts
Bake your own food gifts for people that can then be used as dessert. From fudge and truffles, to homemade Christmas cake, you can kill two birds with one stone (no turkey puns intended) by giving people a food gift instead of a shop-bought one, which can then double up as the dessert for the day.
Go Vegetarian
One way to cut the cost of a meal is to remove the meat and go vegetarian. If you already have one person in your group who is vegetarian, there is no point in cooking two main meals, so why not make a vegetarian meal for everyone and save some pennies? This butternut squash, spinach and goat’s cheese pie is a delicious centrepiece that would be great for all guests without leaving them feeling cheated.
Make Ahead
Anything that you can make in advance and freeze will not only save you time, it’ll also save you money. If you can make homemade mince pies, cakes and even chop your vegetables a month or two before Chrsitmas, you can spread out the spending. For example, if you purchase your mincemeat and vegetables in October, and then freeze it all, the costs won;t seem as overwhelming in December. Check out these top tips for freezing food.
Meal Plan Ideas
According to this article, British families spend around 140 on their food for Christmas Day, with a lot of that going to waste. Here’s my ideas for smaller, more cost-effective, but tasty meals.
Baked Camembert
So simple and easy, simply bake a box of camembert in the oven and serve with crusty bread and some cranberry sauce
Roast Chicken
Buck the trend and opt for a smaller, cheaper chicken and then cook it in the pan with the potatoes and vegetables to ensure you don’t cook too much.
Chocolate Yule Log
Buy or bake a chocolate yule log and serve it with some fresh fruit and nuts, for a filling but cheap dessert.
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