Showing Scott around the United Kingdom over the last year and a half has been both a blast for him and for me. I feel like I have done a pretty good job of showing him some different spots in the United Kingdom during his three visits home with me. Of course we have spent plenty of time in my home town of Manchester, but we have also gone to York, Whitby and the Scottish Highlands among others. What you don’t see in that list is another big city besides Manchester. So, I think I need to add that to the list for next time. Here are a few of the other big cities I would like to visit with Scott in the future.
Well, what can I say about London that hasn’t been already said? In my opinion, along with New York City, it’s a true “capital of the world” type city with hundreds of different nationalities and a culture all its own. Come to think of it, it’s crazy that we haven’t been there as a couple yet. When we do get there, we will definitely take a long walk along the Thames and as cliché as it is, go to Buckingham Palace to see the changing of the guard (I have never seen it during my trips to the Big Smoke!) What excites me the most about visiting London though is the prospect of finding a cool neighborhood to use as a base and feeling at home there.
Technically Britain’s second biggest city (even though I would argue the second most important is Manchester haha), Birmingham would be a fun time for sure. Picking the right place to stay would be important, because we would need to be close to Cadbury World; that is non-negotiable. We visited the Cadbury factory in Dunedin New Zealand, but this is the original and I would love to see all the real history behind my favorite chocolate bar: Dairy Milk. I would also like to see the famously futuristic Bullring shopping center and its unique design. Who knows, maybe Manchester United will be in town to play Aston Villa and we could catch a game and root on the visiting Reds!
I think Wales gets overlooked by most tourists to the United Kingdom. In fact, I have never been to Cardiff, the capital of Wales, but I think it would make a perfect visit. Cardiff is known as an extremely natural city, having the highest amount of green space per person in the entire United Kingdom. In addition to all that green space in the city, Cardiff is known for being the home to many castles, which I think sounds like a perfect departure from the typical ‘big city’ scenes. The aptly named Cardiff Castle is the signature castle and seeing it on the inside would be an activity we would definitely do when there. Seeing that Welsh flag flying on top overlooking the city would be a different kind of British city break for sure.
Photo credit: cardiff
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